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Product  » COGNEX » Machine Vision

Machine Vision

Manufacturers can speed production, minimize defects and reduce costs with machine vision technologies

With nearly one million machine vision systems installed, Cognex is the world’s most trusted machine vision company. We have the people, experience, and knowledge to ensure the machine vision technologies you deploy do exactly the job you need to Make It Right for your customers.

Machine Vision Systems
Machine Vision  
Machine vision sensors Vision Sensors
Check multiple part features and connect with your network without a PC
Machine vision systems Vision Systems
Self-contained with lighting, lens, I/O, advanced communications, fast image acquisition and software tools
3D laser profiler 3D Displacement Sensor
Calibrated 3D laser profiler for product inspection
OEM Products
Advantage 100 OEM vision and ID Systems
Compact, enclosed systems with customizable optics, lighting and Ethernet communications
AE2 Advantage Vision Engines Image Engines
Small form factors for tight integration deep inside OEM devices manufactured in high volumes
Cognex Vision Library Cognex Vision Library (CVL®)
Provide access to industry-leading machine vision technology


Address : Jl. Pecenongan No. 17 D , Jakarta 10120
Phone: 62-21 3457469 , 3457420 , 3457355, 3457326
FAX: 021-3457318