» VS-LD Series


VS-LD Series

Distortionless Macro Lens

VS-LD Series

Low distortion even when using extension tubes 10 models from focal lengths f4mm~f75mm
Compact size: 32mm in diameter (except for VS-LD 6.5)
For VGA ~3 Megapixel sensors
Reduced shading

VSLDTable for WD.FOV and Extension Tube Length


Distortion comparison chart

Distortion comparison chart

Lens shift

VS-LD Series maintains low distortion and less shading by utilizing a higher amount of lens shift. The result is a lens with a great variety of WD and magnifications while maintaining a high quality image in the entire FOV.

Lens shift

Focal Length (mm) Opt. Mag. WD(mm) Working F/# TV Distortion Sensor Size Weight Download
VS-LD4 4 0.01x~0.04x 405.1~93.1 2.10~2.16 0.95%~0.92% 1/2” 52g
VS-LD6.5 6.5 0.01x~0.06x 631.5~89 2.28~2.4 0.11%~-0.01% 1/2” 50g
VS-LD10 10 0.02x~0.1x 499.8~89 2.24~2.42 0.08%~-0.08% 1/2” 46g
VS-LD15 15 0.03x~0.15x 491.8~91.8 2.06~2.3 0.11%~0.00% 2/3” 46g
VS-LD20 20 0.04x~0.22x 511.0~86.8 2.22~2.60 0.06%~-0.15% 2/3” 45g
VS-LD25N 25 0.05x~0.25x 511~103 2.1~2.5 0.05%~-0.09% 2/3” 47g
VS-LD30 30 0.1x~0.23x 312.7~143.1 2.20~2.46 0.03%~-0.05% 2/3” 46g
VS-LD35 35 0.3x~0.5x 142.4~95.7 2.47~2.85 ~-0.03% 2/3” 58g
VS-LD50 50 0.1x~0.25x 503.8~213 2.70~3.06 ~0.05% 2/3” 73g
VS-LD75 75 0.15x~0.35x 527.7~245.9 4.38~5.14 ~-0.02% 2/3” 100g
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