» Innovent™ Research & Education 3D Printe



Innovent Research & Education 3D Printer

Value, speed and efficiency: Designed for the lab, this is ExOne’s most compact and budget friendly printer, with no sacrifice in quality.

Offering five times the print volume of prior lab models and designed for research and educational customers, the Innovent is an excellent tool for developing powdered materials and processes, as well as training the next generation of manufacturing engineers and powdered metal scientists.

InnoventTM Features

This lab machine is your research workhorse

    Simple, Low Cost Solution

    Compact size ideal for laboratory use 
    Package includes printer, curing oven, furnace and starter materials 
    Simple to set-up, use and maintain 

    Breakthrough Technology

    No support structures
    Proven printhead technology for precise dosing of binding agent

    Industry Grade Materials

    Print in stainless steel, iron, bronze, tungsten or glass, or optionally configure for testing with other materials
    Produce small functional prototypes

    High Accuracy

    Highly accurate printing process guarantees highly accurate cores

    Suited for Complex Geometry

    Greater design freedom

    At-a-Glance Machine Specifications

    Build volume: 160 x 65 x 65 mm (6.3 x 2.5 x 2.5 in.)
    Build speed: 30 seconds/layer
    Layer thickness: 100.0 μm (0.0039 in) 
    Print resolution: X/Y/Z 63.5 μm/ 60.0 μm/ Z 100.0 μm (0.0025 / 0.0024/ 0.0039 in)
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