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VSZ Series Macro Zoom Lens All models are designed for compact size and long WD. Telecentric models, Motorized models and Attachable objective lenses are available. General purpose zoom lenses will meet the needs for various applications VSZ Magnification and WD correlation Chart
Macro Zoom Lens
All models are designed for compact size and long WD. Telecentric models, Motorized models and Attachable objective lenses are available. General purpose zoom lenses will meet the needs for various applications
Motorized Macro Zoom Lens
Motorized Zoom 1:6.5 Zoom ratio Long WD 100mm Adjustable Focus ±3mm
Address : Jl. Pecenongan No. 17 D , Jakarta 10120 Phone: 62-21 3457469 , 3457420 , 3457355, 3457326 FAX: 021-3457318