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Product  » VST » Telecentric Lens

VS-TC Series

Machine Vision Telecentric Lens

VS-TC Series

Compact size and light weight
Wide range of WD from 40mm~340mm
Variety of magnifications 0.5x~10x : 1.5x / 3.0x / 5.0x also available
Built-in Co-axial models ( model number : VS-TC□□-□□CO )
Optical mirror units available

Telecentric Lens

Telecentric lens has parallel chief ray with its optical axis and is ideal for co-axial lighting. Telecentric lenses eliminate perspective errors in your image and do not change magnification when the WD changed. This allows accurate measurement of 3D objects or even objects that move up and down.

Telecentric Lens

Telecentric Lens LINE UP

Lately there have been great changes in the image sensor market and of which one has been for a ever larger sensor size and smaller pixel size. Consequently, a sensor of the same size but with a greater pixel number could yield a picture with a much higher resolution.
The advantage of a reduced pixel size could dramatically increase the number of pixels that could fit into a sensor of the same size. However, a reduced pixel size translates into a reduced surface area for light signals. In this case, the ability of a lens to collect as completely as possible the light signals from the sources and therefore give a higher resolution is readily pursued.
On the other hand, when the pixel size remains the same but the total sensor size is increased to include a much greater pixel number for high resolution purposes, a larger sensor size is needed for a larger image circle.
It is a daunting task to reconcile between pixel size and sensor size with respect to lens light throughput optimization, and is often easily said than done. Nevertheless, VS Technology has successfully elevated the industry benchmark by adding many new models to the lineup for high mega-pixel telecentric lenses in a relatively short period of time. We offer a wide range of high quality telecentric lens for use in machine vision.

Telecentric Lens LINE UP

Figures comparing among dierent VST Telecentric lens models.

Figures comparing among dierent VST Telecentric lens models.


VS-TCH Series

High Resolution Telecentric Lens

VS-TCH Series

A New Telocentric series designed for WD65, 110mm and Mega Pixel Sensors with high resolution for use in variety of machine vision applications 
Distortionless images and light intensity differences.
Can accommodate Mega Pixel Cameras with low distortion and high contrast.


Low distortion

Low distortion

High contrast in entire Filed of View

High contrast in entire Filed of View

Lens Resolution, NA and Depth of Field (DOF)

Lens Resolution, NA and Depth of Field (DOF)

〈Testing Environment〉
Camera : STC-A152A
Lens: NA High VS-TC M022-150/S (Open) NA Low VS-TCM022-150/S (Close)
Lighting: Chart: UEB-70W50  Dice: UNSL-73W100


VS-TCM Series

Mega Pixel Telecentric Lens for Machine Vision

VS-TCM Series

High NA models
Suitable for machine vision AOI, high accuracy inspection and measurement 
Iris adjustable models allows you to change DOF and contrast


VS-TM Series

Telecentric Micro Scope for Machine Vision

VS-TM Series

Magnification 10x with high NA 0.23
Long WD 55mm
Higher Magnification (15x / 20x) available with Rear Converter lens


High Resolution

High Resolution

Compact Size

Compact Size

VS-TEC Series

Telecentric Macro Lens for Machine Vision

VS-TEC Series

For 5 Megapixel sensor (2/3”)
Improved distortion and brightness
Changeable Magnification and Iris (Fixed models available)
VS-TEC series for use in wide range of machine vision applications / inspection of electronic parts, semiconductor manufacturing equipment etc.


Combination with optional unit

Mirror unit (picture①/②)
VS-PZ-C305NF : Allows you to set up for limited space.

Co-axial unit (picture③)
VS-HM305 : Easy to set up co-axial lighting in front of the lens.
* for Mag. above0.5x model.

Combination with optional unit

Distortion (measured value)

Distortion (measured value)

Address : Jl. Pecenongan No. 17 D , Jakarta 10120
Phone: 62-21 3457469 , 3457420 , 3457355, 3457326
FAX: 021-3457318