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Servo and Proportional Valve Accessories

Industrial Valve Accessories - Flexible tools for set-up, operating, and troubleshooting

As part of our approach to providing world-class motion control products, Moog provides a wide variety of accessories that our customers may need for hydraulic valves. From valve checkers for troubleshooting to mounting manifolds for easy installation on machines, Moog’s expertise involves helping you to get running quickly and easily.

Moog has a variety of accessories that are needed when applying, operating and troubleshooting Servovalves and Servo-Proportional Valve products. The specific accessories you may need for a particular model are listed in the relevant product catalogs and can be ordered through your local office.


Hardware and Accessories for Industrial Valves

Various mounting hardware, electrical mating connectors, o-ring kits and related items are available to offer flexible installation of industrial valve products.

Software for Servovalve and Servo-Proportional Valves with Fieldbus Interface and Digital Radial Piston Pumps

Microsoft Windows®-based software that allows a user to control and exchange data between a PC and a Moog Servovalve or Servo-Proportional Valve or a Digital Control Radial Piston Pump with a fieldbus communication interface.

DIN Rail Modules

Moog's DIN rail mounted module analog control cards are ideal for use in enclosures where space is limited. Modules include servoamplifers, transducer conditioning electronics, command and auxilliary function modules, valve drive amplifiers, and power supplies.

Hydraulic System Filters

Moog's filters maintain the fluid cleanliness level required of hard-working hydraulic systems in order to give long, trouble free life.

Mounting Manifolds

Various mountings manifolds are available for standard industrial valves, including base and adapter types for mounting and flushing requirements.

Portable Valve Testers

Valve testers are a cost effective method for evaluating valves in the field. They provide a quick and easy means of differentiating between hydraulic and electronic problems.

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