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Product  » BAUMER » Presence Detection



Inductive sensors


The classic sensor for detecting metal objects: maintenance-free measuring principle, high frequencies and very small dimensions.


Photoelectric sensors


Tried and tested technology combined with our know-how and innovations solve even the most critical object detection problems.


Ultrasonic sensors


The smallest and lightest on the market, with robust housings and sonic cone profiles for almost all applications.


Capacitive sensors

Detection with high sensitivity for water-based media and bulk goods even through container walls



Magnetic sensors

These long-running sensors perform up to 20,000 measurements per second, use contactless measuring methods and are maintenance and wear-free.



Edge sensors

We provide solutions for the measurement of edge positions, object width or gap dimensions, object center positions as well as detecting individual packages with seamless product conveyance.


Precision mechanical switches

Accurate down to the micrometer. Still to this day, we provide the most accurate and compact mechanical limit switches in the world.






Address : Jl. Pecenongan No. 17 D , Jakarta 10120
Phone: 62-21 3457469 , 3457420 , 3457355, 3457326
FAX: 021-3457318