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Product  » BAUMER » Rotary Encoders and Angle Measurement

Proven hundreds of thousands of times: Absolute encoders with magnetic or optical sensing, as single- or multiturn, with all mechanical and electrical interfaces.


Incremental encoders

Incremental encoders

When the job calls for controlling mechanical motion sequences,incremental encoders are important links between the mechanical and control systems.



HeavyDuty encoders

In extreme applications, under vibration loads or in heavily soiled areas – that's where Baumer HeavyDuty encoders really feel comfortable.



Bearingless encoders

Bearingless encoders feature a contactless, purely mechanical functional design and are absolutely wear-free.




Inclination sensors

Inclination sensors are like electronic "water levels" – and their importance is increasing. We make a substantial contribution to increasing safety in automation.




Format alignment

Reducing setup times, avoiding adjustment errors and lowering reject rates with Baumer solutions – crucial for machine construction.




Acceleration sensors

Acceleration sensors are ideally suited for precise acquisition and safe monitoring of vibrations e.g. at wind turbines.



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Phone: 62-21 3457469 , 3457420 , 3457355, 3457326
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